Scheduled Your Sprinkler System’s Winterization Yet?

Have you scheduled your sprinkler system’s winterization service yet? It is a vital process that needs to be done annually if you want to maintain your sprinkler system. A well-maintained sprinkler system that has been annually winterized should last 20 years or more with a few minor repairs along the way. For a job that is thorough and professional, contact Interstate Irrigation and Lighting at 703-250-8830.

Schedule Your System’s Winterization Now!

Our team is highly skilled at sprinkler system winterization, an action that is necessary for all sprinklers. The longevity of your sprinkler system is oftentimes a direct result of how well you take care of it. If your sprinkler pipes freeze during the Winter because they were not properly winterized, there is a high chance that your pipes will either crack or your sprinkler head will become damaged. Schedule your sprinkler system winterization with Interstate Irrigation today at 703-250-8830!

Winterization for Your Sprinkler System This Season

Winterization is a necessary part of maintaining your sprinkler system. If it is not completed before the weather turns cold, the pipes may freeze and there may be damages to your system. Allow Interstate Irrigation to keep your sprinkler system safe during the Winter season! Give us a call at 703-250-8830.

Irrigation Systems Ready for the Fall and Winter?

While temperatures are cooling down, it’s beginning to feel more like Fall. Are your irrigation systems ready? For every unique irrigation system, we offer annual winterization services, preparing the pipes for the freezing temperatures ahead. Sprinkler system winterization is a vital process that needs to be done annually if you want to maintain your sprinkler system. Schedule with Interstate Irrigation & Lighting today by giving us a call at 703-250-8830!

Schedule Your Winterization in Fairfax, VA Today

What does the process for a standard sprinkler system winterization look like?

1. The water supply to the sprinkler system is turned off.
2. All of the sprinkler lines are then filled with compressed air to expel any of the excess water that may be in the pipes
3. All of the system drain valves are opened in order to free any remaining water that may be trapped inside.
4. Above ground valves and other devices are stopped or insulated so that they remain intact and unharmed during the winter.

Don’t forget to schedule your sprinkler winterization soon so that your sprinkler system is ready for utilization during the Spring and Summer in Fairfax, VA! Contact Interstate Irrigation & Lighting at 703-250-8830!

Using Interstate for Sprinkler Maintenance and Winterization in Alexandria, VA

“We have used Interstate for a few years now to maintain, winterize and dewinterize our irrigation system. The staff are always pleasant, professional and just great to work with. The service technician/manager that has come out the last two times is great. Highly recommend them!”
– T.S in Alexandria, VA

Interstate Irrigation & Lighting values the long-term relationships we have with our customers and strives to provide consistent high quality service year after year. Contact us today at 703-250-8830.

Is Your Sprinkler System Ready for the Plummeting Temperatures?

Temperatures will plummet soon – is your sprinkler system ready? Sprinkler system winterization is a standard process and we make sure that the job is done correctly. The process involves expelling all water out of the pipes and stopping or insulating above ground valves and other devices so that they remain intact and unharmed during the Winter season. For a job that is thorough and professional, contact Interstate Irrigation and Lighting today at 703-250-8830.

Keeping Your Sprinkler System Safe for This Coming Winter

Our staff is highly skilled at sprinkler system winterization, a process that is necessary to keep your sprinkler system safe during the Winter season. A well-maintained sprinkler system that has been annually winterized should last many years with a few minor repairs along the way. We will make sure your winterization and sprinkler maintenance is done correctly! Contact Interstate Irrigation & Lighting at 703-250-8830.

Schedule Your Winterization Soon!

Winterization is necessary for all sprinklers in order to keep them safe during the Winter season. A well-maintained sprinkler system that has been annually winterized can last many years. If your system is not properly winterized, there is a chance that your pipes will either crack or your sprinkler heads will become damaged. For a winterization that is thorough and professional, contact Interstate Irrigation and Lighting at 703-250-8830 today!

Begin Your Sprinkler System’s Winterization This Fall in Burke, VA

We are your highly skilled sprinkler system winterization experts! In the Fall, the winterization process is important for your system to prevent your pipes from cracking and sprinkler heads becoming damaged. Let us to keep your sprinkler system safe during the colder months. Contact Interstate Irrigation at 703-250-8830.